If you have been impacted by severe weather, we’re ready to support you. A high volume of claims may cause delays, but rest assured we’re here to help. Thank you for your patience. Make a claim.
Financial Hardship
If you need support with any of our insurance products or services, we're here to help you.
Financial hardship
We're committed to supporting customers facing financial hardship. Our Financial Hardship Policy can help you access support and services when you need them most.
How we can support you
If you're in financial stress and are unable to pay money owed to us that is not a premium, we may — in certain circumstances — agree to:
If you're in financial stress and are unable to pay your premium, then we will work with you to see if we can support you to keep you covered. Support options may include:
Managing our debt collectors
Our agents have been trained to manage financial distress. If you tell our collection agent or solicitor that you are in financial distress, they must notify us and will give you information in writing about our Financial Hardship process. You may also contact us directly.
How to apply for support
If you're going through financial hardship, please contact us today. If this is related to an existing claim, please email us with your claim reference number in the subject line. If this is not related to an existing claim, please contact us via the online contact form.
Please let us know if we can help refer you to external services such as community support and financial counselling services.
Natural disaster and fast tracking of urgent claims
We support all our customers and their communities by responding to catastrophes and natural disasters efficiently, professionally and compassionately.
If a natural disaster has meant you have to make a claim under your policy and caused you financial hardship, we may:
If you're in this position, please let us know – we're here to support you.
Access to other information and support
Here are free and confidential financial counselling resources that can provide advice to Australians in every state and territory: