If you have been impacted by severe weather, we’re ready to support you. A high volume of claims may cause delays, but rest assured we’re here to help. Thank you for your patience. Make a claim.
What happens to insurance when I sell my car?
When the time comes to say goodbye to "Old Faithful", your car insurance policy can usually be transferred to your new wheels. Most insurers, including Bingle, allow you to update your details online. So, you can add coverage for your new vehicle with just a few simple steps.
Before you sell your car
If you've bought your new set of wheels before selling your old one, and you want cover for both cars at the same time, you should take out another policy for your old car. This is because Bingle can only cover one car at a time under a policy. So even if one car is sitting snug in the garage, it's important to keep a separate policy for it until you've sold it in case anything were to happen.
And if you're planning to let potential buyers test drive your car, this makes holding onto your car insurance even more essential. Luckily, if you're a Bingle Comprehensive Car Insurance customer, you may be covered for test drives other people take in your car. Eligibility and exclusions apply, so please read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).
More About Comprehensive Car Insurance
New car? Exciting!
Now you've done the hard part, you'll need to make sure your new vehicle is insured. As long as it's a car we cover, simply transfer your existing car insurance policy to your new vehicle.
One thing to note, though your policy remains the same (unless you've changed it by adding an optional cover or two, updating your parking address and kilometres), your premium will be recalculated accordingly. We'll let you know if you need to pay more, get a refund or if your instalments will change.
To update the car details on your Bingle Car Insurance policy:
- Log in to your online account and you'll be taken to the 'Swap my car' page.
- Enter your new car details.
- Pay the additional premium, if required.
Now you're good to go! Just be sure to update your details within 14 days of taking ownership of your replacement car. However, if your renewal date is less than 14 days away, you'll need to do it before then.
Other things to remember
When you change your vehicle, you may also need to update a few other details:
- Your registration. If it's a private sale, make sure to transfer the registration between owners through your state or territory road traffic authority.
- Your personalised plate. If you're keeping the plates, you'll need to notify your local registration office.
- Your toll account. If you don't update your details, you may incur tolls for your old car or extra fees for your new one. Set the record straight! To update your details, update your account or get in touch with your local toll road operator.