Does Car Insurance Cover Hail Damage? | Bingle
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Does car insurance cover hail damage?

Hailstorms can take us by surprise. And with some big hailstorms battering parts of Australia in 2021, especially Queensland, you may be looking for insurance cover for when those golf balls fall from the heavens.

When do hailstorms happen in Australia?

Australia's storm season normally runs from November to February — but if you've lived in Australia long enough you know that what "normally" happens isn't much use when predicting major storms.

Warmer temperatures in late spring and summer can bring on severe thunderstorms, which can occasionally produce hail. So, if you're reading this on the run into summer then now is the time to consider whether your car insurance covers you for hail damage.

Does Bingle Comprehensive Car Insurance cover hail damage?

If you have a Comprehensive Car Insurance policy with Bingle, you may be covered for accidental loss or damage to your car caused by natural events such as hail, flood and fire. Having cover for natural elements makes sense no matter where you happen to be in Australia.

For more information on what is and isn't covered by Bingle, please refer to the relevant Product Disclosure Statement for Comprehensive Car Insurance.

Does Bingle Third Party Car Insurance cover hail damage to your car?

Unfortunately, your car won't be covered if you have Third Party Car Insurance, which covers accidental damage to other people's cars and property caused by the use of your car.

Will my excess still apply for hail damage?

If you have Bingle Comprehensive Car Insurance and need to make a claim, your standard excess will apply, as well as any other excesses relevant to your claim (such as an age excess or unlisted driver excess) depending on who's driving your car when the hail stones hit. You will need to pay an excess if your car is parked during a hailstorm too.

The amount and types of excesses are shown on your Insurance Schedule. You'll also be told what your excess is at the time of claiming.

How to make a car insurance claim for hail damage

This is the easy part! Simply log on to your self-service portal and follow the prompts. You'll be guided through the claims process from there.

What happens after I make a hail damage claim?

You'll be able to book in to get your car assessed and, if possible, fixed. An assessor will check your car and review the damage.

Assessors consider a variety of factors, like how much it would cost to repair the damage and how extensive the damage is, and then work out if it's worth repairing your vehicle.

Based on what the assessor says, it's possible your car may be deemed a total loss (a write off). Either way, you'll be notified what the outcome is as soon as possible. Then, we'll either arrange for your car to be repaired or pay you a total loss payment. Read the PDS to find out more.

What does it mean if my car is a write off?

If your car is deemed to be a write off (also known as a total loss) this means we will settle your claim by paying you a total loss payment. This will be based on your car's market value 1.

If you have New for Old as an optional extra (available on Bingle Comprehensive Car Insurance policies if your car is three years old or less), we will replace your car with a brand-new car of the same make and model (if it's available). See the PDS for more details.

Can you insure a hail damaged car?

You won't be able to insure your car under a Comprehensive Insurance Policy if it has any pre-existing damage — which could be anything from hail, to rust or damage caused by a car accident. Some examples of wear and tear, not damage, considered acceptable for Comprehensive Insurance include:

  • faded or chipped paint
  • minor scratches less than 10cm long
  • minor dents less than 4cm in diameter, and
  • worn upholstery.

You can apply for Third Party Property Damage Insurance cover provided your car is still roadworthy & registered.

Read the PDS for details of what our Third Party Property Damage Car Insurance policy covers and for clarity on policy terms.

Get car Insurance for hail damage