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What can cause a car insurance claim to be declined
You may not realise but there are certain things you can do that can cause your insurer to reject or decline car insurance claim. That's why having a good understanding of what is and isn't covered by your car insurance policy is super important! Here are the most common things you can do that could make your insurer deny a claim.
Drink driving
- Getting behind the wheel with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level beyond the legal limit is against the law in Australia. So it's no surprise that an accident where you were drunk driving would trigger your insurer to deny a claim. Same goes for illegal drugs too. Remember, BAC can depend on the type of license you hold. For example, drivers on their Ps must have a BAC level of .00 at all times.
- If you take medication that impacts you behind the wheel in any way, such as causing drowsiness, aggression, dizziness and light-headedness, this may cause your insurer to decline a claim too. That's why it's best to speak to your doctor first about what medications are safe to drive with.
Reckless driving and illegal activity
If you get into an accident while speeding, drag racing or doing donuts and burnouts, as well as touching your phone, this may cause your insurer to deny your claim. That's why it's important to maintain good safe driving habits on the road so you could remain covered.
While hotted up modifications can make your car quicker, if you're found to have them after you've been in an accident, this may force your insurer to deny your claim. We don't mean tinted windows and swift car seats, but things that can make your car actually go faster (think the Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift). These include:
- Nitro or hydrogen fuel
- Petrol turbo or supercharger (when fitted after market), and
- Roll bar, cage and racing harness.
On the flipside, Bingle Comprehensive Car Insurance can cover modifications and accessories permanently fitted to your car, like a spoiler or exhaust — just make sure to let us know so we can cover it!
More About Comprehensive Car Insurance
Not disclosing your driver history
If you've got a criminal history relating to fraud, theft, drugs, arson, burglary or malicious damage, you may not be eligible with some insurers, including Bingle. As a policy holder, you're also required to let us know. If you don't tell us, and we find this out if you ever need to make a claim, we may cancel your policy and decline your claim.
Not paying your car insurance premium
- While this may seem obvious, it's something to stay on top of. If you pay your car insurance premium in monthly instalments, and it's more than one month overdue, your insurer might not be able to accept it — and may even cancel your policy.
- Running late on a payment? Read this article for a step-by-step guide on how to make a catch up payment.
Know what you're covered for
- As a car insurance policy holder, getting a good grasp of what you are and aren't covered for can help you drive with confidence. If you're ever in doubt, read your policy documents — they are handy tools that lay out different scenarios for you.
- Knowing what's covered by each level of car insurance can help too. Bingle has a range of covers that suits all types of budget and lifestyles.